Fresh off a run of sold out shows, “Shark Tank”: The Final Episode” returns for an encore two-night run of performances at the wildest ’n’ Rittenhouse-iest comedy venue in all history. A bizarro fictional take on the popular reality TV show Shark Tank, the $12 show imagines a jaded panel of business experts listening to dumb product pitches while looking for any excuse to end the show for good.
Molly Scullion
Robert O'Neill
David DoubleDown Donnella
Frank Farrell
Katie Cwirko
Geoff Jackson
Whitney Harris
Annie Paradis
Jim Grammond
Jess Snow
Jeff Kremzier
Bill Reick
Peter Danger
Kate Banford
Karen Coleman
Audience Warm Up Comic:
Ari Fishbein
By Max Sittenfield and Sean Keegan-Landis